jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

P u b l i c A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

The site that I'm going to talk about is http://www.politicaspublicas.net/panel/ which is a very interesting site and is related to the field of my career because has a review of the new public politics, and also provides new ideas of what could be an interesting one.

This site contains with a lot of interesting information, like a library where you can access to documents of different categories like: natives rights, minorities rights, OIT documents, discriminations and human rights, etc.

Beside of this interesting section of the page, I also like the one called press, which as the name says, is about the most relevant news that are related with public politics, and this section has a plus because includes news of other countries.

Finally I’m going to talk about my favorite section that is called “Videoteca” which is the most interactive section of the page because it have a lot of audiovisual material of news that are relevant to the field, like violation to human rights.

I really don't visit so often this site, but I found it very interesting and easy to read and understand, and that is a advantage when I want to show the people what my career does for people.

That's all for this day, I hope you read my post, See you :)

3 comentarios:

Elemental dijo...

Hey Mali! It looks like a interesting, useful website... I didn't know it. I had to write about Sonia Doren because my brain melt down today.
C'mon... write down a commment on my blog :D!

> Hugs and stuff :* <

Andrea dijo...

Hey mali! Your website looks very interesting and useful, I think I definetely going to visit soon :)see u soon.

mimi chiclebomba dijo...

hi, well i've never heard about this website, but it looks very useful for us, i going to start to use it! ♥

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